Tatauranga Ohu Mahi

Workforce Statistics

The Nursing Council collects a variety of data about nurses during our work. This includes information from the workforce survey that each nurse is asked to complete when they renew their Annual Practising Certificate.

On this page you can find reports and publications issued by the Council that use this and other data, to provide information about nurses in Aotearoa New Zealand. Some other strategic publications can also be found here.

Please note that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted publication of the Workforce Statistics and Cohort Report series. Both of these series will recommence in 2023.

Quarterly Data Reports

In April 2023, the Nursing Council began releasing a series of Quarterly Data Reports. This report series is intended to provide quick access to some ‘headline’ information about the nursing workforce – especially information that we are regularly asked to provide. They are meant to complement, not replace, the more detailed information we provide in other publications, and focus on data where we expect to see meaningful change on a quarter-by-quarter basis. A new report is released in April, July, October, and January each year, after the end of the March, June, September, and December Registration Quarters.

March 2024 Quarter December 2023 QuarterSeptember 2023 QuarterJune 2023 QuarterMarch 2023 Quarter

Workforce Statistical Profile

From 2010, the Nursing Council has regularly published a profile of the nursing workforce. These publications combine Registration Data with the Workforce Data collected when nurses renew their APCs.

From 2012 onwards, publication of the Workforce Statistics series has alternated annually with the Cohort Report series.

     2019      2017  

     2015      2013  

     2011      2010   

     2003      1999   

The Nursing Cohort Reports

Beginning in 2012, the Nursing Council has tracked the progress of cohorts of nurses over time. The first of these described nurses who joined the Register in the 2005-2006 Registration Year, and from 2014 the Council also began tracking nurses who joined the Register in the 2012-2013 Registration Year.

In 2020, the Nursing Council stopped following the 2005-2006 Cohort, in favour of greater focus on the 2012-2013 Cohort. This is described in more detail in the 2020 Cohort Report.

Historically, this series and the Workforce Report series have been published in alternate years.

     2020     2018     2016  

     2014     2012

Other Reports

      Summary of Evaluation Continuing Competence Framework

      Evaluation Continuing Competence Framework

      NCNZ Cultural Safety 2013

      CHRE Review Report 2012

      CHRE Governance Outcomes
      CHRE Fitness to Practise Outcomes
      The Future Nursing Workforce Supply Projections Summary    

      The Future Nursing Workforce Supply Projections 2010-2035  

      Trends in the New Zealand Nursing Workforce 2012-2016