Mourning Rhoena Davis, a true wāhine toa

Mahia te mahi, hei painga mo te iwi.
Work for the betterment of the people.



This whakatauki summarises the wonderful contributions made to nursing and hauora by an amazing wahine toa, Rhoena Davis.

It is with our deepest sympathy that Nursing Council acknowledges the passing of a true Māori nurse leader. Rhoey you were passionate about nursing, about the health and well-being of whanau, and stood strong as a proud wāhine and nurse.

We know you were that and so much more and your loss is felt by many. Your leadership and commitment to nursing was tireless and your contributions were many. There are not enough words to capture the far reach you had throughout your nursing career, the nurses you shaped, the leaders you lifted and the whanau you cared for.

Our aroha, our heartfelt thoughts go to those who are closest to you.