Expanding the nursing workforce for vaccination programmes

The COVID-19 vaccination condition has now been expanded to all vaccinations. The condition will now read, ‘may only practice in administering vaccinations.’

This condition on an APC targets nurses who:

  • have been registered in Aotearoa New Zealand at some time in the past
  • have been away from nursing practice for a long time
  • want to take part in a vaccination programme or to assist with the COVID vaccination response.

Nurses with this condition on their APC can only work in roles administering or related to vaccination and are responsible for ensuring their competence to practice.

Please note, the vaccination condition has been introduced to support vaccination programmes. It is not intended as a return to nursing practice pathway.

Applications to renew APCs with this condition will be assessed on an individual basis.

Nurses who did not practice for a long time before receiving an APC with the COVID-19 vaccination condition and who wish to work in other areas may need to complete additional requirements to obtain a full APC.

To apply for an APC with this condition, please email the following information to [email protected]:

  • your date of birth or registration number
  • a request to apply for an APC to administer vaccines
  • a brief timeline/CV of your work history.

Please contact [email protected] for further information.